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Why You Need a Bedside Bassinet for Your C-Section Recovery?

Bringing a new baby home is a joyous occasion, but it can also be physically demanding, especially after a C-section. Bending, twisting, and lifting can put a strain on your recovering abdominal muscles, making even simple tasks feel like a marathon. The Benefits of a Bedside Bassinet for C-Section Recovery A bedside bassinet offers a multitude of benefits for C-section mamas, making those early days with your little one much smoother and easier: Reduced Pain and Strain: Reaching for your baby in a crib or across the room can be excruciating for your incision. A bedside bassinet brings your baby closer, minimizing bending and lifting, and reducing pain and strain. Easier Bonding and Breastfeeding: Having your baby within easy reach encourages frequent feeding and skin-to-skin contact, crucial for establishing breastfeeding and promoting early bonding. Enhanced Sleep and Rest: Nighttime feedings become effortless as you simply swivel towards your baby, minimizing disruptions to your
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How To Keep Water Out Of Baby’s Ears During A Bath?

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